close, a separate mutual release signed by all parties to this Contract will be required before the Earnest Money will be disbursed. In the event either Buyer or Seller claims the escrowed funds without the agreement of the other party, any holder of the escrowed funds, as prescribed by Alabama Real Estate License Law Rule: 790-X-3-.03 (4), (5), About Us. Welcome to the Alabama Real Estate Commission. The Commission has a long-standing tradition dating back to January 1st of 1928 of serving the public through the licensing and regulating of our licensees. With over thirty-three employees working in areas of accounting, investigation, public relations, information technology, licensing, A commercial real estate sales contract can be one page or one hundred pages. There are no rules, and every term, every word, is up for negotiation. Nonetheless, there are provisions that are typically included in most CRE purchase agreements, and understanding these provisions is essential for both buyer and seller to protect their interests.